I'm confusing with my English homework here! Please help!?

I'm confusing with my English homework here! Please help!?

Followings are parts of my English text book. Some sentences I don't really get them. Please explain to me. Thank you for your help.

1. Interviewer: How are the household chores divided in your family?

Debbie: Not well! I would say that their rooms are their own responsibility.

I'm good at closing the doors. Common living spaces are everyone's responsibility.

When they look messy, orders are issued! When you are cooking a meal, you don't have to clean. The only problem is that we all like to cook and none of us likes to clean!

Question!!! In this context, What "orders are issued!" means?? I checked all my English dictionary but still don't get it. Can you explain the meaning of this sentence?

2. Interviewer: Which person do you admire most in your family?

Debbie: My older son.

Interviewer: Why?

Debbie: He had less to work with and he has done more with it.

My younger son has lots of gifts of looks and talent and he sort of takes everything for granted.

My older son struggled for everything. Any C+ grade at school was a major accomplishment, but he stuck to it.

He just got his degree in computer technology last month.

It wasn't an easy road for him, so, yes, that's why I admire him.

Question!!! What's the meaning of "He had less to work with and he has done more with it."?

very confusing....

3.Her sister, Anna is single and at present rents the suite in Terry and Robert's house. Their parents live in eastern Canada.

The two generations of family get along very well, but only get together twice a year.

Terry's father has recently divorced and remarried. Robert's father is a widower and in poor health. In the future, Robert hopes he will come and live in the in-law suite.

Question!!!! Her sister, Anna is single and at present rents the suite in Terry and Robert's house.

In this sentence...the suite means master room or in law suite??

Please help me out!! I have to translate these whole context in my mother tounge and because of these 3 sentences...I can't finish my homework. Please explain the meaning of those 3 sentences to me!! Thank you~!

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