Organic Chem Question?

Organic Chem Question?

You want to decaffeinate your coffee by extracting the caffeine out with dichloromethane (they don't do it that way anymore, but they used to). It's too late to extract the caffeine from the coffee beans, because you've already brewed yourself a 200 mL cup of coffee. Your particular brand of coffee contains 100 mg of caffeine in that 200 mL cup. The partition coefficient of caffeine in dichloromethane/water is 9.0 (it is more soluble in the dichloromethane). 

How much caffeine would still be in your 200 mL of coffee if you did: 

a) one extraction using 200 mL of dichloromethane; or 

b) two extractions using 100 mL of dichloromethane each. Show your work for both parts a) and b).

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