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Common Ion Effect

If the solution of a strong electrolyte is mixed with that of a weak electrolyte having a common ion, the degree of dissociation of the weak electrolyte is suppressed. This is known as common in effect. For example, on adding NH4CI (a strong electrolyte) to NH4OH (a weak electrolyte) both having common NH4 ion, the degree of dissociation of NH4OH is suppressed due to common ion effect as:

NH4CI                  →        NH4+   CI -
(Strong electrolyte)
NH4OH            <==>       NH4+  +   OH -
(Weak electrolyte)

The common ions (NH4+ ions) form NH4CI as well as NH4OH lead to suppression of degree of degree of dissociation of NH4 OH and hence decrease in the concentration of hydroxide ions in the medium.

Importance of common ion effect in qualitative analysis

In second group of qualitative analysis we suppress the ionization of H2S (a weak electrolytes) by adding HCI (a strong electrolyte) having common ion (H+ ion). As a result, the concentration of sulphide ion is reduced as :

HCI ( a strong electrolyte)       →      H +   CI -
H2S ( a weak electrolyte)      <==>      2H+  +  S2 -

Similarly, in third group of qualitative analysis, by adding NH4CI (a strong electrolyte) to NH4OH (a weak electrolyte having common NH4+ ion, the degree of dissociation of NH4OH is suppressed leading to decrease in the concentration of hydroxide ions.

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