Effects Of Polarization Assignment Help | Effects Of Polarization Homework Help

Effects of Polarization

(i)    Melting points are indicators of the extent of induced covalent character in ionic halides.

(ii)    Another fact that can be rationalized on the basis of polarizations the solubility. For example among lithium halides, as size of the anion increase form F- to I- , covalent increases and hence the solubility of lithium halides in ethyl alcohol increase as illustrated in Table
                                                 Solubility of Li halides in C2H5OH

Halide___________ LiF_______  LiCI_________ LiBr________ LiI
Solubility in C2H5OH __
(g/100 c.c.C2H5OH)   _Insoluble______  25  _________  73 _____251

Likewise , KI is soluble in ethyl alcohol, whereas, KCI is insoluble.

Similarly CuCI, AgCI are insoluble in water, whereas, NaCI is highly soluble in H2O. This is because the former group of chlorides acquire considerable covalent ad became insoluble in H2O.

FeCI3 is soluble in diethyl ether, whereas, AICI3 is not.

ZnCI2 (because of covalent character) is more soluble inorganic solvents than MgCI2.

(iii) Stability of carbonates can also be rationalized in terms of polarization. Small sized cation show greater tendency to polarize the carbonate anion (CO32-) into an oxide (O2-) and CO2. Hence as the size of the cation increases, polarizing power o the cation decreases and stability of metal carbonates increases.

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