Reduction Assignment Help | Reduction Homework Help


Reduction is a process which involves the gain of electrons. Any substance form which electron can be readily removed, such as metals, may act as reducing agents. A reducing agent is a substance that can give electrons. The gain of electrons during reduction may result in :

(i)    Decrease of positive charge on atom or ion undergoing reduction.
 For example,

                                                                 Na+ + e   →     Na
                                                                 Fe3+ + e   →    Fe2+
                                                                 Sn4+ + 2e   →    Sn2+
                                                                O2 + 2e     →    2O2-

(ii)    Increase of negative charge on atom or ion undergoing reduction.
For example.

                                                                MnO4- + e    →    MnO42-
                                                  [ Fe ( CN )6 ]3- + e    →     [ Fe (CN )6 ] 4 -

Oxidation-reduction reactions are an important general class of chemical reactions. In general, the reaction between a metal and a non-metal is an oxidation-reduction reaction in which the metal behaves as a reducing agent and is oxidized and the non-metal behaves as an oxidizing agent and is reduced.

Developments of definitions of oxidation ad reduction and of oxidizing agents can be summarized by an equilibrium:
Reducing agent      <==>        Oxidizing agent + Electrons

Reduction-oxidation systems are also abbreviated as Redox systems.

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