Power Transmitted Through Pipes Assignment Help | Power Transmitted Through Pipes Homework Help

Power Transmitted Through Pipes

Power is transmitted through pipe by allowing water to flow through a pipe.

Now consider a pipe AB connected to a tank as shown in.

Let  H = head of water at inlet
       L = length of the pipe
       d = diameter of the pipe
       V = velocity of flow in pipe
       hf = head loss due to friction

Head available at the outlet of the pipe,

= Head at inlet = Head loss due to friction

= H – hf = H – f LV2 / 2g d

Weight of water flowing through pipe/sec.

W = ρ g x Volume of water/sec. = ( )g x Area x Velocity

W = ρ g x π/4 d2 x V

Power transmitted at outlet of the pipe,

= Weight of water per sec x head at outlet

P = ( ρ g x π/4 d2 x V ) [ H – f L V2/2gd2 ] watt

Efficiency of power transmitted,

η = Power available at outlet of the pipe / Power supplied at the inlet of the pipe

=  Weight of water per sec x Head available at outlet / Weight of water per sec x Head at inlet

η  = W(H – hf) / WH

η  = H – hf / H

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