Prandtls Velocity Distribution Assignment Help | Prandtls Velocity Distribution Homework Help

Prandtl’s Velocity Distribution

The velocity distribution  can be obtained if the relation between mixing length 'ι' and y is known.

Prandtl assumed that near the boundary.

ι = Ky

Where K =  Karman constant = 0.4
Shear stress at boundary,

τ0 = ρ ι2 ( du / dy )2

τ0 = ρ (Ky)2 (du / dy)2

(du / dy)2 = τ0 / ρ. 1/ (Ky)2

du / dy = 1 / (Ky) √τ0 / ρ

By  √τ0 / ρ  = √ML-1 T-2 / ML-3 = ( L2 / T2 )1/2 = L / T i. e. m/s

√τ0 / ρ = shear velocity and denoted by u

du/dy  = u / Ky

du  = u./ K dy / y

u  = u./ K .loge y + C        Put K = 0.4

u  = 2.5 u. loge y + C

Where C = constant of integration

The equation that in case of turbulent flow, the velocity varies directly with the logarithmic in nature.

Apply boundary condition,

When y = R,      u = umax put in equation

umax  = 2.5 u. longe R+C

C  = umax - 2.5u. loge R

Substituting the value C in equation

u = 2.5 u. longe y + umax - 2.5 u. loge R

u = umax + 2.5 u. (loge y - longe R)

u  = ( umax + 2.5 u. loge v / R )

This equation is called as Prandtl universal velocity distribution for turbulent flow in smooth and rough pipes.

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