Effective Leadership Assignment Help | Effective Leadership Homework Help

Effective Leadership

If subordinates carry our leaders’ instructions because of their legitimate, reward or coercive power, they would treat them as successful but not effective leaders. Successful leaders can extract bare minimum output from their employees. Employees carry out the orders to keep their jobs in tact. Effective leaders motivate the employees to contribute to organization output to their maximum potential. They persuade employees’ behavior towards their personal goals of job satisfaction and higher-order needs of competence and achievements.

The factors that contribute to leadership effectiveness are as follows:

1.    Leader’s personality and past behavior:

Leaders who deal with non-committed employees are effective if they adopt autocratic style he should adopt in future. Democratic leader, for example, are generally not effective if they adopt task-oriented behaviour.Leaders must ensure that they and followers can adjust teach others’ nature and behavior before they adopt any style of leadership.

2.    Expectations from subordinates:

A leaders cannot lead  the way he wants to lead, If employees do not accept him as a task-oriented leader, he cannot choose that style even if he desires. He has to change misbehavior according to employees’ expectation out of him as a leader. In a military organization, for example, leader adopts authoritarian style of leadership because their follower wants them to do so.

3.    Expectation of superiors:

Leaders often adopt a style which their superiors want. If top managers want middle and lower level managers to adopt authoritative style, they follow it even if they wish to orient towards employee-oriented behavior or a supportive style of leadership.

4.    Task requirements:

If the task is truncated where work is divided into well defined units, employee-oriented leadership style is more effective than ht unstructured task where confusion over task requirements makes a leader adopt task-oriented style.

5. Organizational climate:

Where organization structure wants strict compliance to plans and policies, leaders are effective if they follow task-oriented behavior.

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