Ethical Issues Faced By Managers

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Ethical Issues Faced by Managers

Waters, Bird and Chant conducted a research study in 1985 using open-ended interviews with a sample of managers at different positions in a variety of organizations. The question was “what ethical questions come up or have come up in the course of your work life?” From the answers to this question, Waters, Bird and Chant identified the following ethical issues:

(i)    With respect to employees: Feedback about performance and standing (or merit); employment security; appropriate working conditions.

(ii)    With respect to peers and superiors: Truth-telling, loyalty and support.

(iii)    With respect to customers: Fair treatment, truth-telling, questionable practices, collusion.

(iv)    With respect to suppliers: Fair/impartial treatment, balanced relationship, unfair pressure tactics, truth-telling.

(v)    With respect to other stakeholders: Respecting legal constraints, truth-telling in public relations, shareholders’ interests.

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