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House’s Path Goal Theory

Path goal theory helps subordinates find the path towards attainment of goals set by their leaders. These goals relate to both; work goals and personal goals. The theory is propounded by Robert House.” The theory suggests that a leaders’ behavior is motivating or satisfying to the degree that the behavior increases subordinate goal attainment and clarifies the paths to these goals.”

The path goal theory is based on expectancy model of motivation according to which employees are motivation to work because they perceive their efforts will lead to desired performance and performance, in turn, will lead to certain outcomes/rewards which will help them fulfill their needs. Rewards are the motivating force that motivates them to behave in a positive manner. The path goal theory suggests ways haltered adopts to help workers attain their goals.

Leadership style depends on the situating that leaders face. Two situational variables that ledgers note are:

(a)    Characteristics of ht subordinates:

Leaders adopt a style that subordinates want them to adopt, If employees feel they are dealing with structured situation where everything is clearer as to do what and when, believe they are skilled and have faith in their potential to perform organisatioanal asks, they will prefer their leader to adopt employee-oriented style of leadership.

If employees are not confident of themselves, they world like to be led by task-oriented leadership style.

(b)    Characteristics of the environment and the work place:

These features fall into three groups:

(i)The subordinates’ tasks: The nature of task that employees perform largely determines the leadership style. Employees performing highly structured tasks prefer a supportive leadership behavior.

Employees performing unstructured tasks (where activities performed by the subordinates are blot clear), want the lasers to guide them about how to perform those tasks, and, therefore, a task-oriented or directive leadership behavior is more appropriate.

(ii) Formal authority system: If formal organization structure does not clearly specify the link between performance and rewards to the employed, directive leadership style is adopted to make them understand the structure but if the link is clear leader can adopt participative leadership style.

(iii) The work groups: If all members of ht regroup work in a coordinated and integrated manner, a supportive or participative style is adopted by the leader. If the group has low desire to work and is not motivated to achieve its goals, achievement oriented style is adopted by the leaders.

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