International Marketing Decision

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International Marketing Decision

A firm’s decision to go international and get involved in foreign marketing is conditioned by various considerations, which are often linked with the company’s own policies and programmers as well as with the national compulsion for export expansion. The latter is particularly true for developing economies where exports are a national obligation of utmost importance. The problem of developing countries is not of only of exporting, but of formulating export expansion policies and strategies in such a manner as well fetch optimum return in foreign exchange. It is therefore of vital importance to decide the processing stage at which the product will be placed on export markets whiter, for example, in primary produce form, raw materials form, or in bulk in packaged and branded form. Marketing implications and procedures are qualitatively different between commodity marketing and what is called strategic marketing where product standardization channel and promotion varieties play a crucial role in market access or failure of the product. International marketing decision of a firm in developing countries particular is therefore too closely link with and, often influenced by, government policy and programmed for export expansion in terms of products and markets. Within the limitations of national export promotion priority and strategy, the company decides in accordance with its won resources and attractiveness for foreign market opportunities.

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