Principles Of Statistical Regularity

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Principles of Statistical Regularity

The principle of statistical regularity is bases on the statistical theory of probability. King writes” the law of statistical regularity lays down that a moderately large number of items chosen at random form a large group are almost sure on the average to possess the characteristic of the large group. This principle states that when a sample is chosen at random, it is likely to possess almost the same characteristics and qualities to the universe. The term random means that each and every unit should have an equal chance of being included in the made by deliberate exercise of one’s discretion. A sample selected at random would represent the unversed, if this method is followed, then it is possible to depict the attributes of the whole by studying a part of it.

The mathematical law of probability expresses the frequency of the occurrence & non-occurrence of an event in any series that produces occurrence & non-occurrence and non occurrence e.g. it a coin is tossed in the air, there is equal chance of securing heads and tail (the coin has only two sides). The probability (represented by p) of securing head is ½ and the probability of securing tail is also ½. To put it in a formula p=1/2 N, Where N refers to the total number of events. Thus if a coin is tossed 20 times, the number of heads expected is 1/2x20=10. Goode & Hatt writes “It should be noticed in these examples that an assumption of equi-probability is made between alternative possible events such as throwing heads or throwing not heads”. This conception of probability is applied to sampling in sociology.

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