Derivatives of logarithmic And Exponential

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Derivatives of logarithmic And Exponential

In this section, we will obtain the derivatives of logarithmic and exponential functions. We begin with the derivative of logax, where a and x are positive.

Derivative of logax.


f (x) = logax

Thens  f ' (x) =  lim f (x+h) - f (x)
          h→0            h

= lim loga (x+h) - logax
 h→0       h

= lim [ 1/h loga ( x+h ) ]
h→0                    x

= lim [ 1/x . x/h loga (1 + h/x) ]

= lim [ 1/x loga (1 + h/x)x/h ]

= 1/x  lim [ loga ( 1 +h/x)x/h ]

= 1/x loga [ lim (1+ h/x)x/h ]

Now, write h/x = k, and note that as h→0, then  k→0 . Thus.

f ' (x) = 1/x loga [ lim (1+k)1/k ]

= 1/x loga e.

Hence   d/dx [ loga x] = 1/x loga e.

In particular, replacing a by e, we obtain

d/dx [logx] = 1/x loga e = 1/x

Derivative of ax, a > 0.

Let f (x) = ax, then applying the definition of the derivative, we obtain

f ' (x) = lim  f (x+h) - f (x)
         h→0     h

= lim      ax+h - ax
 h→0            h

= lim  ax (ah - 1)
 h→0     h

= lim [ax (ah - 1) / h]

=ax lim [ ah - 1 ]

= ax loge a

Hence    d/dx (ax) = ax loge a.

In particular, we have

d/dx (ex) = ex loge e= ex.

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