Magnetic Induction At A Point Assignment Help | Magnetic Induction At A Point Homework Help

Magnetic induction at a point due to a Straight Conductor Carrying Current

Consider a straight conductor XY carrying a current i in the direction Y to X. P is a point at a perpendicular distance a from the conductor. Consider an element AB of length dl. Let BP = r and ∟OBP = θ Magnetic induction at P due to the element AB
        = dB
        = (μ0 / 4π) i dl sin θ / r2

From B, draw BC perpendicular to PA. Let ∟OPB = Φ, ∟BPA = d Φ.
Then, BC = dl sin θ = r d Φ
    dB = (μ0 / 4π) i rd Φ/ r2 = (μ0 / 4π) I d Φ/ r

In Δ OPB cos Φ = a / r or r = a / cos Φ
. : dB = (μ0 / 4π) i cos Φ d Φ / a

The direction of dB will be perpendicular to the plane containing dl and r. It will be directed into the page at P as shown by right and rule.
Let Φ1 ane Φ2 be the angles made by the ends of the wire at P. Then, magnetic induction at P due to the whole conductor is

B = ∫ (μ0 / 4π) i cos Φ dΦ / a = (μ0 / 4π) i / a [sin Φ]
   = (μ0 / 4π) i / a [sin Φ2 – sin (- Φ1)]
   = (μ0 / 4π) i / a [sin Φ2 – sin Φ1]

If the conductor is indefinitely long, Φ1 = Φ2 = 90.
. : B = (μ0 / 4π) i / a [1 + 1] = u0i / 2π a
Magnitude of B depends on i and a. B ∞ 1 / a.
The lines of B form concentric circles around the wire.

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