Protoplasm And Deutoplasm
Protoplasm And Deutoplasm Assignment Help | Protoplasm And Deutoplasm Homework Help
Protoplasm and Deutoplasm
The living substance of which the cell is made is called protoplasm. Protoplasm is differentiated into regions, nucleoplasm and cytoplasm. Nucleoplasm is the protoplasm of the nucleus and cytoplasm the extra-nuclear protoplasm. The protoplasm of the cell contains many non-living substances which are mostly formed by the cell. These substances are collectively called deutoplasm, and include yolk bodies, lipid droplets, secretory granules and pigment. The cytoplasm (plasma gel, cortex) and a granular central region called endoplasm (medulla).The cytoplasm structures include the plasma membrane, the endoplasmic reticulum, the ribosome, the Golgi complex, the mitochondria, the chloroplasts (in plant cells), the centrioles, and the lysomes, the cilia, the flagella and the vacuoles. The nucleolus consists of the nuclear envelope, nuclear sap, chromatin, chromosomes and nucleoli.

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