Determination Of Magnetic Moment Of A Paramagnetic
Determination Of Magnetic Moment Of A Paramagnetic Assignment Help | Determination Of Magnetic Moment Of A Paramagnetic Homework Help
Determination of Magnetic Moment of a Paramagnetic Substance
As explained above, each atom, ion or molecule of a paramagnetic substance behaves like a microgamete with a definite inherent magnetic moment of magnitude
. When such a substance is placed in the external magnetic field. However, this tendency is opposed by the thermal motion of the particles (because magnetic susceptibility of paramagnetic substances varies white temperatures). Hence the actual arrangement taken up will depend upon the temperature. Lang even in 1905 put forward the following relationship between molar magnetic somatic susceptibility
magnetic moment
and temperature T:

Where N is Avogadro’s number, k is Boltzmann constant and
is a constant for the given substance. ( it represents the diamagnetic molar susceptibility of the substance by the induced by the applied magnetic field).
In eqn. , all quantities are Constance except
and T. Thus determining
for the given substance at different temperatures T, and the plotting
a straight line graph will be contained, the slope of which will be equal to
. Hence
can be calculated.
The units of
are ergs gauss-1. However, it is usually expressed in terms of Bohr magnetrons (B.M.)
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Where N is Avogadro’s number, k is Boltzmann constant and

In eqn. , all quantities are Constance except

The units of

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