Explanation Of Spectral Distribution On The Basis
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Explanation of Spectral Distribution on The Basis of Classical Mechanics
To explain the nature of the spectral distribution curves of the black body radiation, classical mechanics using Maxwell’s electromagnetic wave theory was applied. According to this theory, the source of radiant energy (in the from of electromagnetic waves) are the vibrating particle called oscillators and these oscillators could radiate or absorb any amount of energy. The frequent of the energy (or the wave) emitted is equal to the frequent of the oscillator. Based on these classical concepts. Wien in 1896 and Lord Rayleigh and Jeans in 1900 tried to explain the distribution only at low wavelengths whereas Rayleigh-Jeans equation was able to do so only at high wavelengths. However, neither of ht two was able to explain the complete distribution of blacken body radiation.Wien’s radiation law equation is

Rayleigh-Jeans radiation law equation is


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