Measurement Of Optical Activity
Measurement Of Optical Activity Assignment Help | Measurement Of Optical Activity Homework Help
Measurement of Optical Activity
(i.e. the angle of rotation
In the procedure, first of all monochromatic light from a suitable source (usually sodium vapor lamp) is passed through the instrument, without placing the tube containing the liquid or the solution. The light emerging out of the analyzer is viewed thought he eye-piece. The analyzer is then rotated slowly till the field of view is completely dark. This gives the initial reading of the instrument. Now the tube containing the liquid or the solution (of known concentration) is placed and the shutter closed (not shown in fig.).On sealing through the eye-piece he field of view is no linger found to be dark. The alter is rotated slowly till the field of view is completely dark again. This gives the final reading. The difference between eh final reading and the initial reading gives the angle of rotation (). If it comes out to be positive the substance is dextrorotatory and if negative, it is laevorotatory.
Modern instruments have numerous improvements over the simple type .However; the basic principle remains the same.
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