Radial Wave Function
Radial Wave Function Assignment Help | Radial Wave Function Homework Help
Radial Wave Function
The radial part of the wave function R(r) gives the distribution of the electron with respect of its distance r from the nucleus. It depends only on the values of quantum numbers n and
. It is governed principally by the exponential term :

where e = base of natural logarithm
z = atomic number ; Z = 1 for hydrogen atom
a0 = Bohr radius; = 0.529 A for 1s in hydrogen atom
n = radial (principal) quantum number
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where e = base of natural logarithm
z = atomic number ; Z = 1 for hydrogen atom
a0 = Bohr radius; = 0.529 A for 1s in hydrogen atom
n = radial (principal) quantum number
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