Relation Between Quantum And Classical Mechanics
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Relation between Quantum Mechanics and Classical Mechanics
The relation between quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics is found by observing the conditions under which quantum mechanics gives the name result as classical mechanics. A few cases are given below:
(i) When the velocity of the macroscopic body is much less than the velocity of light(i.e.
<<c),quantum mechanics gives the same results as Newton’s classical mechanics.
(ii) When the Planck’s constant approached the limit 0(i.e.h
0), The time independent Schrodinger wave equation (as will be discussed in the next section) reduces to Newton’s second law.
(iii) When the systems are in highly excited state (i.e. the value of principal quantum number ‘n’ is very high) both mechanics give the same results. It is called Bohr’s correspondence principle or principle of complementarity.
The heart of the quantum mechanics is an equation called Schrodinger wave equation. It can be derived directly or on the basis of certain postulated of quantum mechanics. Thus our main aim in the present chapter will be to derive Schrodinger wave equation directly as well as on the basis of postulates of quantum mechanics, to study certain results that follow from the Schrodinger wave equation and some applications of the Schrödinger wave equation.
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(i) When the velocity of the macroscopic body is much less than the velocity of light(i.e.

(ii) When the Planck’s constant approached the limit 0(i.e.h

(iii) When the systems are in highly excited state (i.e. the value of principal quantum number ‘n’ is very high) both mechanics give the same results. It is called Bohr’s correspondence principle or principle of complementarity.
The heart of the quantum mechanics is an equation called Schrodinger wave equation. It can be derived directly or on the basis of certain postulated of quantum mechanics. Thus our main aim in the present chapter will be to derive Schrodinger wave equation directly as well as on the basis of postulates of quantum mechanics, to study certain results that follow from the Schrodinger wave equation and some applications of the Schrödinger wave equation.
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