Xray Diffraction Braggs Method
Xray Diffraction Braggs Method Assignment Help | Xray Diffraction Braggs Method Homework Help
X-Ray Diffraction Bragg’s Method
Principle. THE Bragg’s method for study of the internal structure of crystals is based upon. Bragg’s equation (put forward by W.L. Brag in 1919) which mats be derived as follows.
A crystal mat be considered to be made up of a number of parallel equidistant atomic planes, as represented by the lines XX’, YY’, ZZ’ etc. in suppose a beam of X-rays is incident on tarsal at angle

Evidently ,a compared to the ray AB, a ray like DE has travel a longer Bk are perpendiculars drawn on the lines DE and EF respectively. The reflected bents like BC, EF, etc., then undergo interference with each other, If these reflected rays are in phase (i.e. n the reflected rays, crests fall over the crests and troughs over the troughs), they reinforce into each other and the intercity of the reflected rats is maximum. On the other hand, if the reflected rats of the reflected rats is maximum. On the other had, if the reflected rats are out of phase (i.e. crests fall over the through), the intensity of the reflected beam is very sow. If photographic plate is placed to receive the reflected rays, diffraction pattern is obtained.
It s obvious that in order that the reflected rays BC and EF may be in phase, the extra distance JEK traversed by the ray DE should be an integral multiple of the wavelength


Where n is an integer, i.e. 1,2,3,4, etc. If d is the distance between the successive atomic planes, it is obvious form fig that
So that

Putting this value in equation , we get

This equation is called Bragg’s equation.