Component Based Software Engineering Process
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Component Based Software Engineering Process
CBSE process is almost similar to what is used in conventional SSAD and OOSAD development. Initial steps such as analysis, problem definition, need identification and requirement determination are common to CBSE. But then CBSE changes the track to look into component libraries to compose (configure) the software as an alternative to going into detailed design, writing code and testing. CBSE team examines two sources of components, one, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) Components and second, internally developed reusable components. Then scrutiny is made for interfaces that are required to compose the components together for development of software.
Based on available components and interfaces, the requirement scope is studied to through conventional or object oriented software engineering methods. On separation of the requirements for application of CBSE methods, the following process steps are undertaken for completing the component-based software development. The process are
• Qualify the component
• Adapt the component
• Compose the component
• Update the component.
In this model, part A deals with component development to create repository of reusable comments. Part B deals with development fo application software using components from the expository and assembling them to create application software. Part A is a continuous process and Part B is a process used when application is developed using these components.
Whenever there is a need to develop an application using CB SB, first and foremost activity is to develop an application architecture with emphasis on use of reusable components. Once the architecture is finalized the repository is searched for components that can be used in the architecture. At this stage all selected comports may not be a direct fit. It is still possible that some component will have to be written afresh for the application. With this, you have original components from the repository, adapted components, and new components that on assembling together would create application software.

Based on available components and interfaces, the requirement scope is studied to through conventional or object oriented software engineering methods. On separation of the requirements for application of CBSE methods, the following process steps are undertaken for completing the component-based software development. The process are
• Qualify the component
• Adapt the component
• Compose the component
• Update the component.
In this model, part A deals with component development to create repository of reusable comments. Part B deals with development fo application software using components from the expository and assembling them to create application software. Part A is a continuous process and Part B is a process used when application is developed using these components.
Whenever there is a need to develop an application using CB SB, first and foremost activity is to develop an application architecture with emphasis on use of reusable components. Once the architecture is finalized the repository is searched for components that can be used in the architecture. At this stage all selected comports may not be a direct fit. It is still possible that some component will have to be written afresh for the application. With this, you have original components from the repository, adapted components, and new components that on assembling together would create application software.
SE process model
3. Component-based Development Process
Once the application architecture is final, a stage si reached to enter into component-based development of the application. The first step is to qualify the components form repository for reuse in the proposed application. The qualification is a process of examining a component for degree of fitness in the application architecture. The fitness is determined by performance, reliability and usability required by the application and provided by the component.
The factors that influence the decision of selection of a component in the application are:
• Interface description including operation and use of a software component.
• Application programming interface.
• Run-time requirements of support system such as operating system, network systems and so on.
• Security management needs.
Though components are selected based on these factors, it may not be easily possible to assemble them due to some conflicting factors. To overcome this problem, the qualified components are adapted to fit application architecture. In addition to these two component types, architecture may need programming for which new components are written. All three sets of eligible components are then integrated to from an application software, ready for testing. Since CBSE offers large benefits, major companies and industry have prepared standards for components software. The widely used ones are OMG/CORBA. Microsoft COM. Sun Java Beans.
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The factors that influence the decision of selection of a component in the application are:
• Interface description including operation and use of a software component.
• Application programming interface.
• Run-time requirements of support system such as operating system, network systems and so on.
• Security management needs.
Though components are selected based on these factors, it may not be easily possible to assemble them due to some conflicting factors. To overcome this problem, the qualified components are adapted to fit application architecture. In addition to these two component types, architecture may need programming for which new components are written. All three sets of eligible components are then integrated to from an application software, ready for testing. Since CBSE offers large benefits, major companies and industry have prepared standards for components software. The widely used ones are OMG/CORBA. Microsoft COM. Sun Java Beans.
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