Synthesis Of Mis Structure
Synthesis Of Mis Structure Assignment Help | Synthesis Of Mis Structure Homework Help
Synthesis of MIS Structure
As we describe that the MIS structure has been described in four approaches. These four approaches will now be synthesized into a MIS structure. This is essentially a conceptual framework which allows describing an existing or planned information system. This synthesis

of MIS structure has divided into two categories that are as physical structure and conceptual structure. Again the physical structure split into two types, which are as integrated processing and common modules. The conceptual structure of an MIS is defined as federation of functional subsystem, each of which is divided into four components. Let’s us brief all these combined structure of MIS.
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Synthesis of MIS Structure
of MIS structure has divided into two categories that are as physical structure and conceptual structure. Again the physical structure split into two types, which are as integrated processing and common modules. The conceptual structure of an MIS is defined as federation of functional subsystem, each of which is divided into four components. Let’s us brief all these combined structure of MIS.
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