Application Of Magnetic Scalar
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Application of Magnetic Scalar Potential
Equivalence of a small current loop and a magnetic dipole
Consider a small current loop of area S carrying current l. Let p be a point having position vector r relative to centre of loop. ThenMagnetic scalar potential at P} = Vm =μ0I/4π Ω
Here Ω = solid angle subtended by current loop at P
= S.r /r3 = S cos θ/r2
. : Vm μ0l/4π S cos θ/r2 = μ0 /4π (IS) cos θ/r2
The expression is similar to that for potential due to electric dipole
V = 1/4πε0 p cos θ/r2
Thus, magnetic field due to a small current loop is similar to electric field of an electric dipole.
The produce (IS) is called magnetic dipole moment,
m = IS
Thus, a current loop of area S carrying current I is equivalent to a magnetic dipole of dipole moment m = IS.

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