Charged Particle In Electric Field
Charged Particle In Electric Field Assignment Help | Charged Particle In Electric Field Homework Help
Motion of Charged Particle in Electric Field (Transverse Electric Field)
Let the charged particle be moving with an initial uniform velocity u in the X-direction and the constant electric field be applied in the Y-direction. Then at time t = 0, we havevx = u, vy = vz = 0 and x = y = z = 0
There is no acceleration along X and Z-direction (ax = az = 0).
ay = qEy/m = qE/m … (1)
Here, m is the mass and q is the charges of the particle.
But the particle has got an initial velocity in the X-direction. Hence, it will continue to move in the X-direction with the same velocity.
. : vx = u, vy = qE/m.t, vz = 0 … (2)
Integrating these equations w.r.t. time t, we get displacements along the three axes,
x = ut, y = ½ qE/m t2 and z = 0 … (3)
Eliminating t between the equation of x and y.
y = ½ qE/m . (x/u)2
Or x2 = 2mu2/qE.y = Ky … (4)
Where K is a constant. This equation represents a parabola.
The transverse displacement suffered by the particle during passage through the plate of length l is
y1 = 1/2at2 = ½ . qE/m . (l/u)2 = qEt2/2mu2 … (5)
When the particle leaves the field, it follows a straight ling path which is tangent to the parabola. Its direction of travel after emerging from the field is inclined to the original of travel (x-axis) by an angle θ give by
Tan θ = vy/vx = qE/mu .t = qEl/mu2 (. : t = l/u) … (6)
This principle is used in cathode ray oscillographs and in television pictures tubes.

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