Continuous Charge Distributions
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Continuous Charge Distributions
There may be three types of charge distributions, namely, linear charge, surface charge and volume charge distribution, namely, linear charge, surface charge and volume charge distributions.(i) Line Charge. Let λ be the chargers per unit length. If charge is distributed over a line, each differential charge dQ along the line produces a differential electric field.
dE = dQ/4πε0r2 r at P.
Then the total electric field
E(P) = 1/4πε0 ∫r/r2 λdl … (1)

(ii) Surface Charge. Charge may also be distributed over a surface or sheet. Let σ be the charge per unit area. Then dQ = σ dσ da where da is the small element of surface area.
Each differential charge dQ on the surface produces a differential electric field
dE = dQ/4πε0r2 r at point P.
Then the total electric field at P is
E (P) = 1/4πε0 ∫r/r2 σda. … (2)

(iii) Volume Charge. Charge spread throughout a volume is described by ρ (the charge per unit volume). Then dQ = ρ dτ is the small element of volume. Each differential charge dQ produces a differential charge dQ produces a differential electric filed.
dE = dQ /4πε0r2 r at point P.)
The total electric field at P is obtained by integration over the volume:
E (P) = 1/4πε0 ∫r/r2ρdτ
In Eqs. (1), (2) and (3), r is the distance from the element of charge (therefore, from dl, da, or dτ) to the point P.

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