Dielectric Sphere In A Uniform Field
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Dielectric Sphere in a Uniform Field
Consider an uncharged dielectric sphere of radius a and dielectric constant K1, surrounded by a medium of dielectric constant K2 and placed in a uniform electric field E0. The origin of the coordinate system is taken to be at the centre of the sphere and the X axis along E0. Let V1 and V2 be the potential function inside and potential functions inside and outside the sphere respectively. The solution to this problem must satisfy the following boundary conditions.(i) ∇2V1 = 0 and ∇2V2 = 0, both inside and outside respectively, as the net charge on the sphere is zero.
(ii) V1 must remain finite for all r < a. V2 must also remain finite at infinity.
(iii) V1 = V2 for r = a at all angles θ.
(iv) The normal component of D must be continuous at r = a, i.e., D1n = D2n.
The potentials outside and inside the sphere can be written as:
V2 = - E0 r cos θ + (A/r2) cos θ … (1)
V1 = Br cos θ + (C/r2) cos θ … (2)
C must be zero. Otherwise, the potential would become infinite at the origin (r = 0). Hence
V1 = Br cos θ … (3)
According to the boundary condition (iii), V1 = V2, for r = a
. : Ba cos θ = -E0a cosθ + (A/a2) cos θ or B = -E0 + a/a3 … (4)
According to the boundary condition (iv),
D1n = D2n or K1ε0 E1n = K2ε0 E2n
Now, En = -∂V/∂r
Hence, - K1 (∂V1/∂r) r = a = -K2 (∂V2/∂r)r = a
- K1B cos = -K2 [-E0 cosθ – (2A/a3) cos θ]
Or K1bB = -K2 (E0 + 2A/a3) … (5)
Solving Eqns. (4) and (5), we get
A = (K1 – K2/K1 + 2K2) E0a3 and B = (-3K2/K1 + 2K2)E0
Thus the potential function inside and outside the spheres are:
V1 = - (3K2/K1 + 2K2) E0 r cos θ … (6)
V2 = - [1 – (K1 – K2/K1 + 2K2) a3/r3] E0 r cos θ … (7)
The electric field at any point inside the sphere is
E1 = - ∂V1/∂x = (3K2/K1 + 2K2) E0 [. : = - (3K2/K1 + 2K2)E0x] … (8)
The potential outside the sphere is equivalent to the applies field E0 plus the field of an electric dipole at centre of sphere with dipole moment.
p = 4πε0K2 (K1 – K2/K1 + 2K2) E0a3 … (9)
oriented in the direction of applied field.
We know that when a dielectric sphere acquires a dipole moment in the field, it is polarized. The polarization is defined as the dipole moment per unit volume i.e.,
Polarization = P/(4/3)πa3 = 3ε0 K2 (K1 – K2/K1 + 2K2) E0 … (10)

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