Flat Circular Magnetic Shell
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Magnetic Potential and Field at a Point on the Axis of a Flat Circular Magnetic Shell
Consider a flat circular magnetic shell ABC of uniform strength Φ. Let O be its centre and a, its radius. P is a point on the axis at a distance x from O. Let ∟APO = θ.
If the shell subtends a solid angle ω at P, the potential at P is
V = μ0/4π Φω
ω is determined as follows:
Let ADEC be the side view of the shell having width ds.
Talking P as centre, draw a sphere of radius PA = r. The circumference of the shell then lies on the surface of the sphere. The solid angle subtended by the shell at P is given by
ω = Area of the cap ABC/r2
The area of the rim of the shell = (2πa)ds
The area of cap ABC can be calculated by integrating this area between the limits 0 and θ.
Area of cap ABC = ∫θ0 2π a ds
a = r sin θ and ds = r dθ
. : area of the cap = ∫θ0 2π r2 sin θ dθ = 2πr2 (1-cosθ)
Solid angle subtended by the cap ABC at P is
ω = 2πr2 (1-cos θ)/r2 = 2π (1 – cos θ)
= 2π (1 – x/r) = 2π (1 – x/ (a2 + x2)1/2)
The potential at P is given by
V = μ0 /4π Φω
V = μ0 /4π [2πΦ (1 – x/(a2 + x2)]
If x = 0, i.e., if the point is very close the shell, V = μ0Φ/2
Magnetic Induction field (B)
Magnetic induction B = -dV/dx
. : B = -d/dx [μ0Φ/2{1 – x/ (a2 + x2)1/2}] = μ0Φa2 /2(a2 + x2)3/2
If x = 0, then B = μ0Φ/2a
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