Gouy S Method
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Gouy’s Method for Measurement of Susceptibility
Apparatus. It consists of an electromagnet having parallel and flat pole pieces with a gap between them. The electromagnet provides a strong horizontal magnetic field of nearly 1 Wb m-2.
The sample under test is taken in the form of a thin rod. It is suspended vertically from one arm of a sensitive micro balance in the magnetic field between the wedge shaped pole pieces of the electromagnet. The specimen is suspended in such a way that its lower end is near the midpoint of the magnetic field where the magnetic intensity H is large while its upper end is outside the field in the region of low intensity H0. The cylindrical rod is then weighed by suspended it from a sensitive microbalance in the two cases:
(i) When field is off. (ii) when field is on.
Theory. Let μ1 and μ2 be the permeability of air and specimen respectively. Consider a magnetic field of intensity H in a region. Let V be the volume of the specimen. Hence the energy of magnetic flux in this region is 1/2 μ1H2V before inserting the specimen and 1/2 μ2H2V, after inserting the specimen. The difference of these energies is equal to the work done is inserting the specimen,
. : Work done = 1/2 (μ2 – μ1) H2V
This is stored as potential energy of field.
Change in potential energy of field,
U = 1/2 (μ2 – μ1) H2V … (1)
We have, μr = 1 + χm or μ/μ0 = 1+ χm
. : μ = μ0 + μ0 χm
Let χ1 and χ2 be the susceptibilities of air and specimen. Then,
μ1 = μ0 + μ0χ1 and μ2 = μ0 + μ0 χ2
. : μ2 – μ1 = μ0 (χ2 – χ1) … (2)
Substituting this in Eq. (1), we get
U = 1/2 μ0 (χ2 – χ1) H2V … (3)
Let Fx be the force acting on the specimen along x-axis. Then,
F = - dU/dx – d{1/2μ0 (χ2 – χ1)H2V}/dx
= -1/2 μ0 (χ2 – χ1) d(H2)V/dx
If Hx, Hy and Hz are components H, then
H2 = Hx2 + Hy2 + Hz2
. : F = - 1/2 μ0 (χ2 – χ1) {d(Hx2 + Hy2 + Hz2)/dx}V … (4)
Now, considering X-axis to be vertical, the vertical force on a small element dx of rod of volume dV, at a distance x from origin is
dFx = - μ0 (χ2 – χ1) [Hx dHx/dx + Hy dHy/dx + Hz dHz/dx] dV
Let α be cross-sectional area of rod. Then,
dv = α dx
. : dFx = - μ0(χ2 – χ1)[Hx dHx/dx + Hy dHy/x + Hz dHz/dx]adx … (5)
In the narrow gap between pole pieces, the magnetic flux will consists of straight lines direct from one pole face to another, in y direction say. Thus only the component Hy will be of significant magnitude while Hx and Hz will be negligible. Hence Eq. (5) is expressible as
dFx = - μ0 (χ2 – χ1) Hy dHy/dz adx … (6)
The total vertical force on the rod due to whole field variation along the length under the limit Hy = H to Hy = H0 is
Fx = - μ0 (χ2 – χ1) a ∫H0 Hy dHy dx/dx
= - μ0 (χ2 – χ1) a ∫H0 Hy dHy
= - μ0 (χ2 – χ1) a [Hy2/2]HHo
= - 1/2μ0 (χ2 – χ1) a (H02 – H2) … (7)
Let m1 and m2 be the weights to counterpoise the force on rod with magnetic field off and on respectively. Then,
Fx = (m2 – m1)g. … (8)
Equation (7) and (8), we get
(m2 –m1)g = 1/2μ0 (χ2 – χ1) a (H2 – H02)
(χ2 – χ1) = 2(m2 – m1)g / μ0 a(H2 – H02) … (9)
H0 and H can be measured by the flux meter. Thus by putting the susceptibility of air χ1 and other known quantities in the above equations, χ2 is calculated.

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