Magnetic Susceptibility
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Magnetic Susceptibility
As seen above, if any material is placed in a magnetic field, the strength of the magnetic field n the material is different form that in the vacuum. The strength of the magnetic field thus present in the material is scaled magnetic induction.
If H is the strength of the applied magnetic field and B is the magnetic induction in the given material, the two are related according to the equation

Where I represent the magnetic moment per unit volume in the material and is called intensity of magnetization. It mat be positive or negative depending upon whether the material is pram genetic or diamagnetic.
The intensity of magnetization produced per unit strength of the applied magnetic field is called specific magnetic susceptibility. It is usually represented by Z. Thus mathematically,

It is this quantity which is usually measured experimentally in the study of magnetic properties of different materials.
Multiplying the specific magnetic susceptibility with the molar volume
of the material, we get what is called as magnetic susceptibility per mole or molar magnetic susceptibility. It is usually represented by

Thus molar magnetic susceptibility may be defined as the intensity of magnetization induced per mole of the material by the unit field strength.
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If H is the strength of the applied magnetic field and B is the magnetic induction in the given material, the two are related according to the equation

Where I represent the magnetic moment per unit volume in the material and is called intensity of magnetization. It mat be positive or negative depending upon whether the material is pram genetic or diamagnetic.
The intensity of magnetization produced per unit strength of the applied magnetic field is called specific magnetic susceptibility. It is usually represented by Z. Thus mathematically,

It is this quantity which is usually measured experimentally in the study of magnetic properties of different materials.
Multiplying the specific magnetic susceptibility with the molar volume

Thus molar magnetic susceptibility may be defined as the intensity of magnetization induced per mole of the material by the unit field strength.
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