Parallel Resonant
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Parallel Resonant Circuit
A parallel resonant circuit consisting of an inductance L and a capacitance C connected in parallel to the alternating e.m.f.Let the applied emf be
E = E0 sin ωt

Current through the inductance lags behind the applied emf by π/2 is given by,
IL = E0 /ωL sin (ωt – π/2)
Here, ωL is the reactance of the inductance.
The current through the capacitor leads the applied emf by π/2 and is given by
Ic = E0 /(1/ωC) sin (ωt + π/2)
Here, (1/ωC) is the reactance of the capacitance.
The total current through the circuit is given by
I = IL + IC
= E0 /ωL sin(ωt – π/2) + E0 /1/ωC sin(ωt + π/2)
= - E0 cos ωt + E0 /(1/ωC) cos ωt
Or 1 = E0 (ωC – 1/ωL) cos ωt … (1)
If for a particular frequency v0, ωC = 1/ωL, then from Eq.(1), the current becomes zero. The circuit now offers infinite impedance. Such a circuit which offers an infinite impedance to the A.C. is called a parallel resonant circuit. The frequency is called the resonant frequency.
Thus at v0, we have, ωC = 1/ωL
Or ω = 1/√LC
Or 2πv0 = 1/√LC
. : v0 = 1/2π√LC … (2)
The variation of the current with frequency.

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