Self Inductance Of Coaxial Cylinder
Self Inductance Of Coaxial Cylinder Assignment Help | Self Inductance Of Coaxial Cylinder Homework Help
Self Inductance of Co-axial Cylinder
A cable contains two cylindrical conductors with a common axis. Let a and b be the radii of cylindrical conductors (b<a). The current in these cylinders are equal and opposite. Let l be the current. There is a magnetic flux between the two conductors.The magnetic inductions B at a distance r from the axis is
B = μ0I/2πr
Consider an area of unit length between distances r and r + dr.
The flux through the area is
dΦ = Bdr
= μ0I/2πr
Total flux through the area between cylinders of unit length is Φ.
Φ = ʃ μ0I/2πr dr/r = μ0I/2π loge b/a
But Φ = LI
Hence the self-inductance per unit length L = μ0/2πr loge b/a

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