Potential Divider
Potential Divider Assignment Help | Potential Divider Homework Help
Potential Divider
The potential divider is a high resistance connected across supply mains and is used to obtain a variable voltage form a constant voltage supply. TH variable voltage is available across fixed point A and variable point C,
Q. A potential divider of resistance 500 ohms is used to obtain different voltages form 200 volts supply main. Determine the position of the tapping point C to get a current of 2 amperes through a resistance of 30 ohms connected across points B and C.
Solution : Let the resistance of potential divider between points B and C be of R ohm,
The voltage drop in load resistance = 2x30 60V.
The voltage drop across points B and C of potential divider = voltage drop in load resistance 60 V.
Current flowing through the resistance R = 0 amperes

Q. A potential divider of resistance 500 ohms is used to obtain different voltages form 200 volts supply main. Determine the position of the tapping point C to get a current of 2 amperes through a resistance of 30 ohms connected across points B and C.
Solution : Let the resistance of potential divider between points B and C be of R ohm,
The voltage drop in load resistance = 2x30 60V.
The voltage drop across points B and C of potential divider = voltage drop in load resistance 60 V.
Current flowing through the resistance R = 0 amperes
Potential Divider
Since voltage drop across BC = 60 volts
Voltage drop across, AC, VAC =200-60 = 140 V
Current flowing through portion AC of potential divider, IAC - 60 + 2
Resistance of portion AC of potential divider RAC = 500-R
140 = ( 500-R) ( 60 + 2 )
or R = 434.7 Ω
Hence point C lies in such a position that
length BC = 434.7 X 100 = 86.94% of total length
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