Potential Gradient In The Cable
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Potential Gradient In The Cable
Since cable is a from ef cylindrical condenser, therefore electric intensity at a distance x from the centre O of the cable is given by (as calculated in foregoing Art)

Ex = q . 1 V/m
2π∈o∈r x
Since potential gradient = Electric intensity
g = q . 1 V /m
2π∈o∈r x
From Art.
V = q loge D
2π∈o∈r d
or q = 2π∈o∈rV
loge D
Substituting the value of q from in equation (i) we get
g = 2π∈o∈rV . 1 . 1 V/m
loge D 2π∈o∈r x
= V
x loge D volts/metre
Since potential gradient obvious from expression, therefore potential gradient will be maximum when x is minimum i.e. x = d and potential gradient will be minimum when x is maximum i.e. x = D
2 2
Maximum and minimum values of potential gradient are given by
gmax = 2V volts/metres and gmin = 2V volts/metre.
d loge D D loge D
d d
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Ex = q . 1 V/m
2π∈o∈r x
Since potential gradient = Electric intensity
g = q . 1 V /m
2π∈o∈r x
From Art.
V = q loge D
2π∈o∈r d
or q = 2π∈o∈rV
loge D
Substituting the value of q from in equation (i) we get
g = 2π∈o∈rV . 1 . 1 V/m
loge D 2π∈o∈r x
= V
x loge D volts/metre
Since potential gradient obvious from expression, therefore potential gradient will be maximum when x is minimum i.e. x = d and potential gradient will be minimum when x is maximum i.e. x = D
2 2
Maximum and minimum values of potential gradient are given by
gmax = 2V volts/metres and gmin = 2V volts/metre.
d loge D D loge D
d d
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