Thermal Units Of Energy
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Thermal units of Energy
As already started, in S.I. system the unit of energy of all forms is joule. Bigger unit of energy is mega joules (M J) where 1 M J = 105 J.
The thermal units of energy in various other systems are calorie (gm-calorie), kilo-calorie (kilogram-calorie), centigrade heat unit (pound-calorie) and British thermal unit (B. the U.) as defined below:
Calorie: It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water through 10 C.
1 calorie = 4.18
4.2 J.
Kilo-Calorie: It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water through 10 C
1 K. calorie = 1,000 calories = 4,180 joules
4,200 J
Centigrade-Heat Unit (C.H.U) : It s the amount of heat required to raise the temperature Of one Ib of water through 10C.
1 C.H.U. = 453.6 calories = 0.4536 k cal. = 1,900 J
British Thermal Unit: It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one Ib of water through 10F.
1 B. the U. = 1 CHU = 252 calories = 0.252 k cal. = 1058 J
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The thermal units of energy in various other systems are calorie (gm-calorie), kilo-calorie (kilogram-calorie), centigrade heat unit (pound-calorie) and British thermal unit (B. the U.) as defined below:
Calorie: It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water through 10 C.
1 calorie = 4.18
Kilo-Calorie: It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water through 10 C
1 K. calorie = 1,000 calories = 4,180 joules
Centigrade-Heat Unit (C.H.U) : It s the amount of heat required to raise the temperature Of one Ib of water through 10C.
1 C.H.U. = 453.6 calories = 0.4536 k cal. = 1,900 J
British Thermal Unit: It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one Ib of water through 10F.
1 B. the U. = 1 CHU = 252 calories = 0.252 k cal. = 1058 J
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