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Split Location

Weber also considered the possibility of more than one place location for an industry. A split location may occur if it is likely to result in saving of ton-miles. This happens only when different stages of product in an industry could be carried on independently and at different places. When such a division of stages is technically feasible, a split in location will always occur because the first stage of production is one of elimination of waste materials and the second of working up of a pure material. The location of the first stage may be near the source of raw material and the latter stage may be located near the place of final consumption. For example, in case of paper industry, manufacture of pulp may be undertaken near the source of raw material and the latter stage may be location near the place of final consumption. For example, in case of paper industry, manufacture of pulp may be undertaken near the source of raw material and that of paper near the market.

A coupling of independent industrial processes in a particular locality is also feasible. The production of quite different articles may be combined in one plant because several raw materials may diverge from a common source. If the by product of one industry happens to be the taw material of another industry, then the two industries may select the same area of location. For instance, distilleries are invariably located near sugar factories as they utilize molasses which is a by-product of sugar manufacturing. Similarly, the dyestuff industry is located near other industries using coke, because coaltar which is the raw material for dye-stuff industry is a by-product of the burning coke.

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