Minors And Cofactors
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Minors And Cofactors
Minor of an element of a determinant. Let |A| = |aij| be a determinant of order n. The minor of aij, the element in the ith row and jth column of |A|, is the determinant that is left by deleting the ith row and the jth column. It is denoted by Mij.
For example, given the 3x3 determinant

The minor of a11 is M11 =
The minor of a12 is M12 =
and so on.
Cofactor of an element of a determinant. Let |A| = |aij| be a determinant of order n. The cofactor of aij, denoted Cij or Aij, is defined as (-1)i+j Mij, where I + j is the sum of the row number I and column number j in which the entry lies.

For example, the cofactor of a 12 in the 3 x 3 determinant

is C12 = (-1)1+2
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For example, given the 3x3 determinant

The minor of a11 is M11 =

The minor of a12 is M12 =

and so on.
Cofactor of an element of a determinant. Let |A| = |aij| be a determinant of order n. The cofactor of aij, denoted Cij or Aij, is defined as (-1)i+j Mij, where I + j is the sum of the row number I and column number j in which the entry lies.

For example, the cofactor of a 12 in the 3 x 3 determinant

is C12 = (-1)1+2

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