How this engineering problem is solved?

How this engineering problem is solved?

I am 31 years old, a Software Engineer. Unfortunately, I don't know how to solve such kind of problems. I want to do a higher study, and I should be good in English and Mathematics.

Please help me with this question. Also, please give me general tips on improving my skills on such a problem.

Question: In certain code language, if the word 'STORE' is coded as 'GTQVU', then how is the word 'FUTURE' coded in that language?





My stupdid thought was that E means U, if I map STORE with GTQVU because E is equivalent to U. Thus, the answer should end with the character U. However, this is not the case.

What is the way to tackle such question. Does it come naturally to solve such questions. These questions scares me. Also, I have attempted previous competitive exams, and had an headache will writing that paper. How people can solve such questions. Do they know how to solve such questions naturally. Is it just their natural ability? How to solve such kind of questions?

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What are these problems called? What is the name to google such type of questions?

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