How many different genotypes are found among the progeny of this cross?

How many different genotypes are found among the progeny of this cross?

Can you help me answers these questions? We need to assume that there is complete dominance and complete penetrance at each locus and that epistasis does not occur: 

How many different gametes does the DdFfGgHhRrTT parent produce? 

How many different genotypes are found among the progeny of this cross? 

How many different phenotypes are found among the progeny of this cross? 

What is the probability that the first offspring from this cross will show the dominant phenotype for all loci? (Type in as a decimal and round to 6 digits.) Answer 

What is the probability that the first offspring from this cross will be heterozygous for all loci? 

What is the probability that the first offspring from this cross will be a son with genotype DDFfGghhRrTt?

Update: Referring to the cross DdFfGgHhRrTT x DDffGgHhRRTt

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