Engineering technology worth it?

Engineering technology worth it?

I'm in engineering technology at cal poly pomona, its my second year and I've only taken GE's with out taking any core classes what so ever. My plan is to transfer to Electrical Engineering but my GPA is too low (2.33) to transfer this spring (since thats when they only allow it since its an impacted major). requirments to transfer is C or better in math : 114,115 and 116 

I failed 115 twice (integration) , I still want to transfer to electrical engineering even if the electrical engineer advisor advised me to stick with et even though I haven' taken any core classes (and don't plan on taking any in the future). Apparently theirs still a chance to transfer next spring, but due to failing twice, whoever looks at the transfer papers "will not like it" 

thing is, i don't really want to stay as an Et, if I wanted to become an ET, i may as well went to community college, also if I don't make it to double E, i'm dropping out rather than becoming ET, reason being I want to be able to design things, not fix them like a technician...... 

update: Its currently my winter quarter of my second year and I can replace my math grade with a possible B, BUT there is still no gurantee i can switch to electrical engineering because my gpa might be a bit low (3.0) by next spring and I need at LEAST (3.1) by that time. 
My biggest concern isn't the time i spend and calpoly pomona, its the amount of debt im in because of all the ge's i've been taking and years i've been spending.

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