Last Evolution bio question help please?!?

Last Evolution bio question help please?!?

What event in history led to the the dark-colored peppered moth being better able to survive than the lighter-colored variety? 
A) The pollution from the Industrial Revolution darkening the trees.
B) The lighter-colored moths had a shorter life span.
C) The dark-colored moths were physically stronger.
D) The dark colored moths were more intelligent. 

A species is a group of organisms capable of mating and producing offspring, and speciation is the process of forming a new species. 

One way a new species may form is by geographic isolation. This occurs when members of a population are physically separated, for example, by a river, or a desert. 

After the separation the two populations, responding to different conditions, will adapt differently, and so their evolutionary paths will 
A) converge.
B) dissect.
C) diverge. (I'm pretty sure it's diverge but I'm not sure) 
D) reverse.

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