Management practice questions pls help

Management practice questions pls help

1.Which kind of discrimination is allowed under federal law?

A. Discrimination against gays and lesbians

B. Discrimination against Muslims

C. Discrimination against people from the Middle East

D. Discrimination against women or men

2. A global corporation:

A. centralizes management in a single home country.

B. decentralizes management so that each local country's operation is managed locally.

C. decentralizes management so there is no single home location.

D. has two main management locations located on different sides of the globe.

3. In a society with high __________, you would expect members of a corporation to have a strong identification with the corporation.

A. gender differentiation

B. future orientation

C. in-group collectivism

D. humane orientation

4. which of the following best summarizes Blake Mycoskie's business philosophy?

A. A business should be ethical but not socially responsible.

B. A business should be socially responsible but not ethical.

C. A business should be both ethical and socially responsible.

D. A business should not worry about being either ethical or socially responsible.

5. Which fact best addresses the question of whether or not women have achieved equality in today's business world?

A. Women make up almost half of the workforce.

B. Many women hold senior management positions.

C. Pay scales for women have risen in recent years.

D. Three percent of Fortune 500 CEOs are women.

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