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Please help will give 10 points?

1. During the McCarthy era, which of the following was (were) executed for allegedly giving atomic secrets

to the Soviet Union?

A. Klaus Fuchs

B. Whittaker Chambers

C. Alger Hiss

D. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

2. Which of the following statements about Truman's Fair Deal is true?

A. It was reluctantly passed by Congress.

B. It called for national medical insurance.

C. It repealed the New Deal.

D. It was Truman's response to the Soviet's Sputnik.

3. During the turbulence of the 1960s, black activism focused primarily on

A. expanding voting rights.

B. supporting the nonviolent strategies of Martin Luther King, Jr.

C. stopping the Vietnam War.

D. expanding economic opportunity.

4. Which of the following statements is true of the Gulf of Tonkin affair?

A. Johnson sought passage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in order to freely expand American involvement in Vietnam.

B. Congress was divided and only reluctantly passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.

C. The destroyer Maddox was sunk by North Vietnamese gunboats.

D. Johnson approved covert amphibious raids on North Vietnam.

5. What incident abroad marked the election day of the 1956 election, thereby enhancing Eisenhower's bid

for a second term?

A. The crisis in the Formosa Straits

B. The French defeat in Indochina

C. An attack on U.S. Marines in Beirut

D. The resolution of the Suez crisis

6. After Hitler came to power in 1933, he blamed Germany's defeat in World War I on

A. Communists and American imperialists.

B. Communists and Socialists.

C. Jews and Gypsies.

D. Jews and Communists.

7. Which of the following is true of President G. W. Bush?

A. He accepted the United States' role in the International Criminal Court.

B. He rejected unilateralism.

C. He reluctantly endorsed the Kyoto Protocol.

D. He vowed to punish all countries sponsoring terrorism.

8. During World War II, the tide turned in favor of the United States at the Battle of

A. Midway.

B. Okinawa.

C. the Coral Sea.

D. Leyte Gulf.

9. When postwar expansion slowed in the 1950s, an economic stimulus was provided by

A. Cold War spending.

B. increased consumer goods manufacturing.

C. the construction of Levitt Towns.

D. the baby boom.

10. During Lyndon Johnson's presidency, which of the following legislative or executive measures banned

literacy tests?

A. The establishment of the Office of Economic Opportunity

B. The Civil Rights Act of 1964

C. The Medicare Act

D. The Voting Rights Acts of 1965

11. Following on the successful activism of Cesar Chavez, Mexican American youths began to refer to

themselves as

A. Los Hombres.

B. Chicanos.

C. Los Barrios.

D. Mexicans.

12. Which of the following was Eisenhower's most significant legislative achievement?

A. Increasing the minimum wage

B. The establishment of modern Republicanism

C. The Highway Act of 1956

D. The extension of Social Security benefits

13. In a free election in 1989, Lech Walesa came to power in

A. Poland.

B. East Germany.

C. Romania.

D. Hungary.

14. At the Yalta Conference of 1945, the military situation favored

A. Stalin.

B. Churchill.

C. Eisenhower.

D. Roosevelt.

15. The 1978 Supreme Court decision in Bakke v. Regents of the University of California

A. ruled in favor of affirmative action within specified limits.

B. established the rights of students to appeal college admissions policies.

C. established the "red state-blue state" divide.

D. ruled against the principle of affirmative action.

16. Reagan embraced the idea that through tax incentives the private sector would shift its resources from

tax shelters to productive investment. This theory is referred to as

A. supply-side economics.

B. neofederalism.

C. supply-and-demand economics.

D. deficit economics.

17. During the 1950s, the advent of _______ created the largest and fastest-growing impact on American


A. suburban communities

B. television.

C. educational reform

D. fundamentalist religion.

18. Among instances of corporate malfeasance in the early twenty-first century, the _______ scandal was

the most shocking and economically damaging for employees and shareholders.

A. Tyco International

B. WorldCom

C. American Tobacco

D. Enron

19. The majority of states that did not ratify the Equal Rights Amendment were located in the

A. West.

B. Northeast.

End of exam

C. Southeast.

D. Midwest.

20. The political purpose of the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 was to

A. impose regulations on the steel industry.

B. strengthen the Wagner Act.

C. implement NSC-68.

D. roll back the provisions of the Wagner Act.

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