Easy Physics questions! I need help!!

Easy Physics questions! I need help!!

1.) A distinguished scientist tells you that he observed a particle that was at rest decay into two different sub-particles. He claims that one of the sub-particles remained at rest, while the other one sped off with some non-zero velocity. You tell him you doubt this, because

A. electric charge cannot be conserved in such a decay
B. linear momentum cannot be conserved in such a decay
C. mass cannot be conserved in such a decay
D. angular momentum cannot be conserved in such a decay

2.) If a force is conservative then
A. it obeys Newton's third law
B. it is a frictional force
C. its work is zero when the particle moves exactly once around any closed path
D. it obeys Newton's second law

3.) A simple pendulum is drawn aside from its equilibrium position until its vertical position above equilibrium is 0.05 m. It is then released from rest. Determine the speed of the ball when it reaches its equilibrium position.

Please help! I'm very lost.

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