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Dont understand need help?

Which ordered pair is the solution to the system {a=1/2b+5 , 2a+3b=-14 
a. (-1,-12) 
b. (2, -6) 
c. (8, 9) 
d. (18, 14) 
Which ordered pair is the solution to the system {a+3b=6 , 4a+6b= -6 
a. (-9,5) 
b. (-3,3) 
c. (6,3) 
d. (12,-2) 
Write an equation of a line in slope intercept form that is parallel to y=1/2x+7 and passes through the point (-6 , 2) 
a. y=1/2x+5 
b. y=1/2x-5 
c. y=-2x-18
d. y=2x+12

Posted Answers:

a =(1/2) b + 5 
2a + 3b = -14 
2 ((1/2)b +5) + 3b = -14 
b +10 + 3b = -14 
4b +10 = -14 
4b= -24 

a = (1/2) b+5 
a = (1/2)(-6) + 5 
a = -3+5 
b. (2, -6) 

a+3b = 6 
a = 6-3b 
4a+6b = -6 
4(6-3b)+6b = -6 
24 -12b + 6b = -6 
24 -6b = -6 
-6b = -30 
b = 5 

a+3(5) = 6 
a+15 = 6 
a = -9 
a. (-9,5) 


y =(1/2) x+ b 
it passes through (-6,2) 
substitute x=-6 and y=2 
2 = (1/2)(-6) + b 
2 = -3 + b 
b = 5 

a. y=1/2x+5