Characteristics Of Alkali Metal Solutions

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Characteristics Of Alkali Metal Solutions

(i)    Solutions of alkali metals in liquid ammonia are blue in colour irrespective of the nature of the alkali metal. The blue colour results due to an absorption band that has a maximum at 5000 Á.

(ii)    These solutions are highly conducting.

(iii)    They act as strong reducing agents.

(iv)    These solutions are paramagnetic and their paramagnetism decreases with increase in the concentration of alkali metal.

(v)    If the regents are pure and dry, the solutions are stable and can be kept for ling periods of time.

(vi)    The alkali metals can be recovered by the evaporation of the solvent.

(vii)    When the concentration of the alkali metal is increase (> 1 M), the colour changes to bronze and shows metallic appearance.

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