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Strength Of Acids And Bases

The strengths of photonic acids like HCI, HNO3, H2SO4, HCN, HF can be compared by their tendencies to give protons. Acids like HCI, HNO3 or H2SO4 are strong acids while CH3COOH, HF, HCN are weak acids. Ionization of an acid in water measures the relative strength of the acid.

For instance ionization of an acid HA may be represented as
                                               HA   <==>   H+  +  A-
The equilibrium constant of the reaction is written as
                                               K = [ H+] [ A -]
                                                            [ HA ]
Where Ka is known as dissociation constant or ionization constant of an acid and measures the relative strength of an acid. The stronger the acid, the larger will be is Ka .

The term pka that is, - long ka is commonly used to express the dissociation of an acid.
                                               pka = - log ka  =  1
                                                                          log ka 
Thus the higher the value pka, the weaker the acid.
Similarly the ionization equilibrium of bases can be studied. Consider the ionization of base MOH:
                                                   MOH  <==>   M+ +  OH-
The equilibrium content may be expressed as
                                                   kb = [M+ ] [ OH- ]
                                                             [ MOH ]
Where kb is known as the ionization or dissociation constant of the base. It measures the relative strength of the base. The higher the value of kb, the stronger is the base.

kb may be expresses as
                                                  pkb  = - log kb1
                                                                             log kb
Larger the value of pkb, lesser is the dissociation and weaker is the base

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