Mis And Decision Making Assignment Help | Mis And Decision Making Homework Help

MIS and Decision Making

Information is the essential ingredient of management and decision making, the aspect of the organization described by the information flow process is a growing concern. The ultimate purpose of the MIS is to make decisions at all level of operations based upon the information flow. If decision cannot be automated through MIS design, the objective becomes one of providing information to improve the decision-making ability of the manager. It is very important to distinguish between two types of decisions representing the boundaries of decisions. That is Programmed and non-programmed decisions. Programmed is simply a string of instruction to accomplish an assignment. This kind of decisions ahs been handling with the automation process. Hence the programmed decisions are contain with program or decisions rule. Decisions are non-programmed to the extent that they are unstructured, new, high cost, intangible, complex, or involve major commitments. In this decision making there is no possibility to automate the system. only an ad hoc based information system has to facilitate in the decision making.

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