Scalar And Vector Fields Assignment Help | Scalar And Vector Fields Homework Help

Scalar and Vector Fields

A region in space whose every point is characterized by a single value of certain physical quantity is called a field. There are various types of field like gravitational field, electrostatic field and magnetic field.

(i)    Scalar field. It is the region in space whose every point is characterized by a single value of a scalar quantity. Electric potential around a charge body is an example of scalar field. It is represented as
                 V = V(r)
V is a scalar quantity but it varies with a variation in position vector r of the point.

(ii)    Vector field. It is the region in space whose every point is characterized by a single value of a vector quantity. Electric intensity at any point, due to charge body is an example of vector field. It is represented as
                 E = E (r)
E is a vector quantity and is a function of the position vector r of the point of observation.

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