Current Distribution In Parallel Circuits

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Current Distribution in Parallel Circuits

Let two resistors of resistance R1 and R2 be connected in parallel across a p.d. of V volts. According to ohm’s law current flowing through resistor  R1 I1 = V
Current through resistor R2, I2 = V

Dividing expression (i) by expression (ii) we get

              I1= V/R1 = R2
              I2   V/R2    R1

Hence current flowing through each resistor, when connected in parallel, is inversely proportional to their respective resistances.

Since conductance is reciprocal of resistance and if G1 and G2 are the respective conductance of resistors R1 and R2 then

            1 = R1 and  1 = R2
           G1             G2

Substituting the above values of R1 and R2 in expression (iii) we get

            I1 = 1/G2 = G1
            I2    1/G1    G2

Adding one on both sides of the expression (iv) we get

           I1 + 1 = G1 + 1
           I2          G2

or        I1 + I2 = G1 + G2
              I          G2

or        I2 = I1 + I2 X G2
                 G1+ G2
Since  I1 + I2 = I and  G1 + G2 = 1 + 1 = 1 = G
                                               R1   R2  R

             I2 = I X G2

and        I1 = I X G1

Hence current in any branch of parallel circuit is directly proportional to its respective conductance and is equal to the total current flowing through the circuit multiplied by the ratio of the conductance of the branch to that of the circuit.

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